venerdì 2 gennaio 2015

Winter thoughts

I've decided that winter is definitely one of my favourite times of the year. I know, I know what you are going to say: how could it be, it's too freaking cold! Well, that's just what I love about it. 
When the weather is too hot, after you've only remained with tank and shorts on, there's nothing more you can do to cool down. On the other hand, during winter time no matter how freezing it is out there you can always LAYER UP and bury yourself under tons of blankets and sweaters, then add a cup of hot tea, coffee or chocolate and you're good to go! Yes, warm drinks are your best friends right now. Bye bye cold weather, It's like I don't even care. 
One of the things I love the most is to cozy up on the couch with my soft and warm armour on and enjoy a good book or movie, with the room illuminated by a candle flame. 
Despite my unconditional love for sunny days, I must thank winter for the fact that, as days get shorter and nights come faster, there is more time to light up candles and transform the house in a little, peaceful heaven where nothing can go wrong. It's just you and your blanket: an extraordinary combination that makes you feel as comfortable as when you feel at 7 AM in the morning, after you've slept the whole night, you need to get up and the only place that seems right is your bed, which has suddenly turned into a magnet. 
But wait! You haven't heard the best part yet. I must admit I have this habit of leaving the best things for last; I've always done it, especially while eating: I always leave out the food that I like the most for last, so that the last taste in my mouth will be the one that I enjoy the most. Anyway, back on track, the last thing I wanted to talk about is the most EXCITING one for me: CHRISTMAS! 
Oh men, I adore this holiday. It's just like a concentrate of love, joy and generosity that makes everyone's life brighter for a month or so. Was it for me, I'd live with Christmas spirit all year around, but, as I heard once, you need "down" moments to appreciate the "highs". And Christmas is definitely one of them. If not THE high of the year. What I love about it are actually many, many things. To start with, I love the atmosphere that surrounds us this time of the year, when tons and tons of lights are put on in the streets and you can hear Christmas music everywhere you go. I love the fact that everyone seems nicer than ever and people smile more than they usually do. I love that you get to see relatives you haven't seen for months, or even years, and get to spend some time with your beloved family. I love the smell of my mom's cookies baking in the oven and eating them as soon as they're ready, no matter how hot they might be. 
Christmas is such a special and precious time that all of the love, joy and open-heartedness that makes it wonderful should be part of our daily lives, always. 
Often, we forget of how beautiful giving is, how fulfilling it is to make someone smile. And we all know that there's nothing prettier to wear than a smile. 
So thank you, winter, for giving us the opportunity to experience Christmas. Every year. All over again.

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